Inevitably, COVID-19 has significantly accelerated digital transformation in companies. From shifting meetings online and embracing a full suite of remote work and collaboration software, many companies and businesses have had to adapt and change their entire workflow in a matter of weeks. In this uncertain period of time, there is one thing for sure though — companies and businesses need to adopt digital strategies now more than ever.
Here are some ways your business can adapt to a new normal.
1. Rethink Your Strategy
Although we have slowly transitioned out of Circuit Breaker, the pandemic is far from over. With no signs of the pandemic ending soon, it is vital for your business to rethink its strategy. See below for a rough guide on the steps you can take to rethink your strategy.
2. Find A Platform To Onboard Your Business To
Companies not ready for a platform-based economy need to become ready quickly.
One effective platform that helps you reach out to your social distancing customers is through a mobile application. More and more companies are realising the role mobile apps can play in drawing customers to their company. The number of people who use smartphones increases every year, hence mobile apps ensure you have “home screen share”. It is also a direct way to engage your customers.
Aside: Click here to read more about the cost of building a mobile app.
But of course, not just any mobile app will work. For it to be effective and leave a good impression on your customers, the mobile application has to be of good quality. It has to be developed with good design thinking and development, to ensure the app runs as smoothly as possible. To understand the difference between a good and bad mobile app, take a look at our case study of Coffee Bean vs Starbucks app here.
Another platform you can consider are websites. Nowadays, more and more companies like Wix and WordPress are offering companies a quick and easy way to set up a website. Furthermore, these services often come at a low cost with little resources needed to launch it.
Generally, if you want a platform that can simply provide mobile friendly content to a wider audience, a mobile website could be a better option for you. If you are looking to bring customer engagements to the next level and communicate more with your customers, a mobile app is definitely a worthy investment.
Read here to find out which platform is more suitable for you.
3. Keep Yourself Updated On The Situation
As cliche as it sounds, it is very important to keep your business updated with the ever-changing times. This can take on the form of reading the news to watch out for any new grants or policies that might affect your business, to studying what your competitors are doing to keep up with them.
4. Innovate.
The slowing down of business could be a rare chance for you to really sit down with your team to be creative and innovate new ways to boost your business. Are you in an industry that doesn’t typically rely on technology? Innovate and offer fresh new digital experiences for your customers! Are you in an industry that is already digitally equipped? How can your business bringing user experiences to the next level, perhaps by blending online to offline user experience seamlessly?
5. Business Continuity Plans
Last but not least, it is a good time to draw up a business continuity plan. Experts say that COVID-19 is most likely not the last of a global pandemic we’ll ever see, and in fact warn of a deadlier Disease X that could imply even more stringent lockdown and social distancing measures. To guard your business against future events, it is best to start planning now.
If a part of your company’s plans is to start adopting a digital strategy, or boost your current digital strategy, definitely look for a vendor with a good track record and reliable products.
At Originally US, we do not embark on building a mobile app unless we want it to be successful, because your success is also our success.
Looking for a trusted mobile app development company to build your app? Let us discuss how we can help you! Chat with one of the top mobile application developer in Singapore on Whatsapp today.